The Cal/EPA leadership is taking a higher interest in reviewing programs as a result in the change in the State and Agency Administrations. Compliance with thiobencarb permit conditions are under scrutiny and could result in changes to future use of this important herbicide. The monitoring results are our measure of compliance with the thiobencarb permit conditions
Following the sixth week of monitoring, we continue to see exceedances of the 1.5 µg/L (parts per billion) performance goal. For the month of May we recorded six exceedances and two so far in June. The numbers have not been extremely high, yet occurring later than normal in comparison to results from the previous years. Let’s hope the monitoring results recover to acceptable levels in the drains. Fortunately, the river site and city drinking water intakes remain at non-detect for thiobencarb. This is rather unusual, since the percent of Sacramento River at the City of Sacramento intake is half that of the monitoring results from all previous years.