By Tyson Redpath, The Russell Group
The U.S. Department of Agriculture Farm Service Agency (FSA) reminds producers to enroll now in the Agriculture Risk (ARC) and Price Loss Coverage (PLC) programs. March 15 is the enrollment deadline for the 2019 crop year. Until March 15, producers who have not yet enrolled in ARC or PLC for 2019 can enroll for both 2019 and 2020 during the same visit to an FSA county office unless yield updates are requested. Additionally, farm owners have a one-time opportunity to update PLC payment yields that take effect beginning with crop year 2020. If the owner accompanies the producer to the office, the yield update and enrollments may be completed during the same office visit.
If a 2019 election is not made by the deadline of March 15, the election defaults to the current elections of the crops on the farm established under the 2014 Farm Bill in which case no payments will be earned for 2019.
Here’s a link to more information, including Farm Bill tools prepared by attorney Tim Kelleher.