Updated Link available for Drinking Water Supply Well Monitoring

Updated Link available for Drinking Water Supply Well Monitoring

The online drinking water supply well monitoring went online in December. Here is the new link for 2021.

The drinking water supply well monitoring course is approved for the Department of Pesticide Regulation (1-hour Other) and the Certified Crop Adviser (0.5 NM, IPM and CM) continuing education credits. 

Here is a link to an earlier article that provides more information.

Also, please watch for upcoming information on the Thiobencarb Mandatory Stewardship Training as another online course from the CRC. We anticipate one-hour of continuing education accreditation for the thiobencarb stewardship and will apply for laws and regulations credits. 

For questions and additional information, please contact Roberta Firoved, CRC Industry Affairs Manager, at rfiroved@calrice.org or (916) 206-5039.

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Drinking Water Well Testing

Drinking Water Well Testing

Reminder for each Grower to complete the required testing

The California Rice Commission’s Waste Discharge Requirement (WDR) requires, beginning in 2022, each grower (or landowner) to conduct annual testing for nitrates in all drinking water supply wells present on parcels where rice is produced. The results are reported from the analytical laboratory to the State’s GeoTracker database.