For those considering winter flooding this year, there are two programs that could provide financial assistance. Summaries are provided below; to find out more or to apply visit the California Ricelands Waterbird Foundation:
Applications must be submitted online and the deadline to apply is 5 p.m. on Tuesday, September 6.
Drought Relief Waterbird Program (DRWP) – this program’s focus is to offset the reduced availability of surface water with groundwater flooding to provide habitat for migratory birds in the face of severe drought.
- Option 1: Flood and maintenance for 90 continuous days. Payment rate $135/acre
- Option 2: Flood-up and hold water for 30 days. Payment rate $80/acre
California Winter Rice Habitat Incentive Program (CWRHIP) – this program provides fixed rate incentive payments for flooding of harvested rice fields for 70 continuous days. Payment options below:
- $20/acre on the East Side of the Valley
- $40/acre on the West side of the Valley
For questions, contact Luke Matthews, Wildlife Programs Manager, at (916) 607-8988 or