Water Quality

Thiobencarb Success Story

Thiobencarb Success Story

Thank you to all rice growers for successfully managing thiobencarb this year. A special thank you to the rice growers, pilots, applicators and PCAs who steward thiobencarb through usage, applications and recommendations.

This season’s thiobencarb monitoring results were virtually non-detects. One split sample at the lower end of the Colusa Basin Drain had a result slightly above the performance goal. This occurs because two labs use different reporting limits as a quality control measure built into the program. The next sampling event recovered to a non-detect at that site.

The County Agricultural Commissioners, Department of Pesticide Regulation and the Central Valley Water Board add to the stewardship and management of thiobencarb. Great job all!

For more information, contact the CRC’s Industry Affairs Manager Roberta Firoved at rfiroved@calrice.org or (916) 206-5039.

More Water Quality Stories

Drinking Water Well Testing

Drinking Water Well Testing

Complete the required annual testing for 2023

The California Rice Commission’s Waste Discharge Requirement (WDR) requires, beginning in 2022, each grower (or landowner) to conduct annual testing for nitrates in all drinking water supply wells present on parcels where rice is produced. The results are reported from the analytical laboratory to the State’s GeoTracker database.