
Upcoming RCPP Enrollment Opportunities

Upcoming RCPP Enrollment Opportunities

The California Rice Commission’s Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) is now well underway, and the next enrollment opportunity is approaching. There are 2 application deadlines in 2024: January 12 and April 5. Please visit your local NRCS office to apply. Note: You can apply for any of the available practices at either deadline.

Major Practices included:

  1. Upland habitat enhancements
    1. Longer-term (5 years) plantings to enhance habitat for pheasant, songbirds, pollinators, etc. These can be on small corners or linear areas of a farm.
  2. Cover crops
    1. Retaining cover from this winter into spring OR planting cover crops Fall 2024.
  3. Winter flooding with variable drawdown
    1. Winter flooding for winter season 2024-25
  4. Seasonal flooding with gradual drawdown
    1. Summer shorebird short-term flooding (3 weeks between July and September)

To apply, please visit your local NRCS office. If you have questions, especially if you are considering the upland plantings or cover crop retention for breeding birds, please contact Kristin Sesser, Wildlife Programs Manager for the California Rice Commission, at (916) 607-8988 or

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BirdReturns Late Summer Farmlands Opportunity

Seeking farmers: Get paid to provide habitat 

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