Industry News

Registration Open for UC ANR California Rice Virtual Field Day

tractor at sunset

Mark your calendar for the California Rice Virtual Field Day, which will be held on August 26, from 1 pm to 3 pm.

Here’s a link to register.  The registration fee is $20. 

The UC Cooperative Extension and California Rice Research Station will provide the latest information on variety development, disease and arthropod management, weed control, weedy rice, and fertility.

The full agenda is available here. 

Here are contacts for more information: 

Logistics and Registration: Rachel Palmer, ANR Program Support Unit, 530-750-1361.

Course Content: Whitney Brim-DeForest, UC ANR County Director, Sutter and Yuba Counties and CE Rice and Wild Rice Advisor.

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ARC and PLC for CA Rice

ARC and PLC for CA Rice

With rice prices predicted to remain challenging for the balance of this marketing year, many have asked about triggers for the Agricultural Risk Coverage program (ARC) and Price Loss Coverage program (PLC) for temperate japonica rice. Below is a brief outline of each program and relevant triggers.