
New Fish Food Program Applications Open Now

New Fish Food Program Applications Open Now

Reclamation District 108 (RD108) and California Trout are soliciting applications for the Fish Food Program, which pays rice farmers and wetland managers to flood their fields for a few weeks and drain the water (full of food) to fish-bearing waterways to benefit fish.  Landowners do not have to be in RD 108 to apply.

Application deadline is October 7, 2022.

Brief practice requirements:

  1. Hold water for minimum 3 weeks between November 1, 2022, and April 1, 2023  
  2. Flood to a target depth of 10 inches of water 
  3. Drain water back to a fish-bearing waterway 
  4. No field preparation or straw treatment required

To see more details about the program, including background information, complete practice requirements, and this fall’s application form, please visit our website:  If you have any questions, please contact Jacob Montgomery of California Trout at or (530) 400-5022.

Thank you for your consideration and commitment to conservation!

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