
Updating Early Season Armyworm Monitoring

Updating Early Season Armyworm Monitoring

From the University of California Cooperative Extension, here’s a link to the latest trapping information in the battle against Armyworm in Sacramento Valley rice fields.

Here is the information presented from UCCE Rice Farm Advisor Luis Espino: 

Most of the traps have been set up and we will start checking them weekly. This year, I will be presenting the numbers in table format to make it easier to compare all locations.

The early numbers out of some of the traps are unusually high for this time of year. Last year, at those sites, we did not get more than one moth per night until mid-June. The nice warm, dry weather might be the reason.

I’m including pictures of the moths on the armyworm website. Sometimes growers see moths flying around and get worried those are armyworm moths. Armyworm moths fly at night and are usually hidden during the day. 

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Intrepid® 2F Armyworm Label Update

Intrepid® 2F Armyworm Label Update

You must have the Intrepid® 2F supplemental label in hand as if it were on the container. Intrepid® 2F is the only product with the active ingredient methoxyfenozide registered for use to control armyworm on rice. The registration was complete earlier this year, which left the registrant (Corteva Agriscience) no time to include rice on the label. Corteva Agriscience has made the supplemental label available on the CDMS and Agrian websites. For permitting and label questions, please contact your local agricultural commissioner’s office.