The Intrepid® 2F Insecticide (EPA Reg. No. 62719-442) Section 18 has been issued for use in Butte, Colusa, Glenn, Merced, Placer, Sacramento, San Joaquin, Sutter, Yolo, and Yuba Counties.
Please remember the following:
- Armyworm must be at treatable levels in the rice field
- Intrepid® 2F is added to the permit at the county agricultural commissioner’s office
- All Section 18s are treated as restricted materials
- The Intrepid® 2F Section 18 expires October 4, 2022
- Remove from the permit before the next use season
- All Section 18 labels are product and not active ingredient (methoxyfenozide) specific
- Intrepid® 2F is the only allowable use of methoxyfenozide on rice
If considering alternatives to Intrepid® 2F, please read and follow the pesticide label directions. You can reference, Alternative Insecticides Table Reorganized, but do not use the information as a substitute for the registered label directions.
For more information, contact the CRC’s Industry Affairs Manager Roberta Firoved at or (916) 206-5039.