
Intrepid® 2F Section 18 Approved for Armyworm Control

Intrepid® 2F Section 18 Approved for Armyworm Control

The Intrepid® 2F Insecticide (EPA Reg. No. 62719-442) Section 18 has been issued for use in Butte, Colusa, Glenn, Merced, Placer, Sacramento, San Joaquin, Sutter, Yolo, and Yuba Counties. 

Please remember the following:

  • Armyworm must be at treatable levels in the rice field
  • Intrepid® 2F is added to the permit at the county agricultural commissioner’s office
    • All Section 18s are treated as restricted materials
  • The Intrepid® 2F Section 18 expires October 4, 2022
    • Remove from the permit before the next use season
  • All Section 18 labels are product and not active ingredient (methoxyfenozide) specific
  • Intrepid® 2F is the only allowable use of methoxyfenozide on rice

If considering alternatives to Intrepid® 2F, please read and follow the pesticide label directions. You can reference, Alternative Insecticides Table Reorganized, but do not use the information as a substitute for the registered label directions. 

For more information, contact the CRC’s Industry Affairs Manager Roberta Firoved at or (916) 206-5039.

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Intrepid® 2F Armyworm Label Update

Intrepid® 2F Armyworm Label Update

You must have the Intrepid® 2F supplemental label in hand as if it were on the container. Intrepid® 2F is the only product with the active ingredient methoxyfenozide registered for use to control armyworm on rice. The registration was complete earlier this year, which left the registrant (Corteva Agriscience) no time to include rice on the label. Corteva Agriscience has made the supplemental label available on the CDMS and Agrian websites. For permitting and label questions, please contact your local agricultural commissioner’s office.