
Ducks Unlimited looking for Biologist for Rice Programs

Ducks Unlimited looking for Biologist for Rice Programs

Ducks Unlimited is looking for a qualified applicant to work on California ricelands conservation programs in the Sacramento Valley. 

Most notably, the person hired for this position will be instrumental in administering the Climate-smart Commodities Program Grant activities. This is a new and innovative program that needs a creative leader to help design and implement the program, in coordination with the USA Rice Federation. 

Familiarity with rice farming operations will be a big plus for anyone applying for this new position.

To learn more about the position and apply, click here.

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BirdReturns Late Summer Farmlands Opportunity

BirdReturns Late Summer Farmlands Opportunity

Seeking farmers: Get paid to provide habitat 

The Migratory Bird Conservation Partnership (Audubon California, The Nature Conservancy, and Point Blue Conservation Science), in collaboration with the California Rice Commission and the Delta Conservancy, and with funding from the California Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, is now accepting online bids for the BirdReturns-Late Summer Farmlands Habitat Program. This program offers farmers and landowners in the Sacramento Valley an opportunity to receive financial compensation for providing a few weeks of ponded or shallow flooded habitat for migratory birds.