Industry News

Rice Analyzer Live Demonstration

Rice Analyzer Live Demonstration

All interested handlers and dryers are invited to attend a live Cgrain Visual Analyzer demonstration

Date:  August 20 and 21
Time:  10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Location: Granzella’s Banquet Room, Maxwell

Following the demonstration, there will be a tour at California Heritage Mill at 1 p.m. to see the Cgrain instrument in a milling environment. 

Please RSVP before August 16th by contacting Terry Allen at 

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ARC and PLC for CA Rice

ARC and PLC for CA Rice

With rice prices predicted to remain challenging for the balance of this marketing year, many have asked about triggers for the Agricultural Risk Coverage program (ARC) and Price Loss Coverage program (PLC) for temperate japonica rice. Below is a brief outline of each program and relevant triggers.