
Rice Footprint Work – Update

Rice Footprint Work – Update

We are providing this update on work supporting the Rice Footprint – the number of rice acres needed to support our communities and the environment. 

UC Davis Rice Footprint Report

The report establishing the number of needed rice acres is on track to be completed by the end of the year. Specific areas of evaluation include community and environmental economics by Dr. Sumner, Pacific Flyway and shorebirds evaluation by Dr. John Eadie, habitat needs of the giant garter snake by Dr. Brian Todd, and rice value to salmon by Dr. Andrew Rypel. 


Once complete, the report will be shared widely with our conservation, water district and community partners seeking support. We will also roll out the Rice Footprint to policymakers and members of the administration and begin the conversation on how to protect and enhance the value of ricelands. 


While work on the report has been progressing, the CRC has been working to modify the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) to allow for 15-year contracts on winter flooded rice with Rep LaMalfa and Thompson introducing language for consideration in the Farm Bill. In addition, we are actively seeking modifications to U.S. Fish and Wildlife yellow book land valuations to more accurately reflect California riceland values and provide the agency opportunities for permanent easements on rice. Finally, we are working with Ducks Unlimited and others to support and expand their permanent easement programs targeting rice. 

Spring Event 

In early spring, we will be inviting our partners and members of the Capitol to a Rice Footprint kick-off event. 

For more information on the Rice Footprint, contact the CRC’s President & CEO Tim Johnson at 

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Reminder – Nesting Bird Habitat Incentive Program 

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife’s Nesting Bird Habitat Incentive Program (NBHIP) is partnering with the California Waterfowl Association to accept applications for a variety of programs for farmers and private landowners this spring. Applications will be open until March 31st and include the following programs: Fallow Agriculture, Delayed Cereal Grain Harvest and Upland Management Agreements. Below are key details for each of the programs.