Industry News

2025 CRC Calendar – Upcoming Grower Meetings & Other Events

2025 CRC Calendar – Upcoming Grower Meetings & Other Events

The 2025 CRC calendar is available as a helpful resource to view upcoming industry meetings that are currently scheduled.

Details on the January 15 CRC Grower Meetings have been posted and information on the UCCE Winter Rice Meetings has recently been added.

The CRC calendar will be continuously updated throughout the year to reflect the dates of CRC committee and board meetings once they are scheduled.

Please click here if you would like to submit an industry event for the 2025 CRC calendar.

For more information, contact the CRC’s Communications Manager, Katie Cahill, at

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ARC and PLC for CA Rice

ARC and PLC for CA Rice

With rice prices predicted to remain challenging for the balance of this marketing year, many have asked about triggers for the Agricultural Risk Coverage program (ARC) and Price Loss Coverage program (PLC) for temperate japonica rice. Below is a brief outline of each program and relevant triggers.