
Armyworm Numbers trending lower

Armyworm Numbers trending lower

Here’s the latest on Armyworm trapping from UCCE Rice Farm Advisor Luis Espino: 

Except for one field, all traps are showing very low numbers. There are still a few worms out there, but I have not seen any fields with high numbers. In some of the fields that are headed I started to notice armyworm panicle injury, but at very low levels. As fields go into heading, and moth populations start increasing, risk of panicle injury will also increase.

graph: Average Moth Captures in sacramento valley 4/1/2020 through 7/30/2020

For pictures of armyworm stages and panicle injury, visit the armyworm monitoring website.

Also, here’s a link to rice blast information from Luis. 

More Armyworm Stories

Intrepid® 2F Armyworm Label Update

Intrepid® 2F Armyworm Label Update

You must have the Intrepid® 2F supplemental label in hand as if it were on the container. Intrepid® 2F is the only product with the active ingredient methoxyfenozide registered for use to control armyworm on rice. The registration was complete earlier this year, which left the registrant (Corteva Agriscience) no time to include rice on the label. Corteva Agriscience has made the supplemental label available on the CDMS and Agrian websites. For permitting and label questions, please contact your local agricultural commissioner’s office.