Industry News

Rice Field Day – Next Week

Rice Field Day – Next Week

California Rice Field Day is scheduled for next week, Wednesday, August 28, at the Rice Experiment Station (RES) 955 Butte City Highway, Biggs CA 95917

The annual event provides growers and others related to the rice industry a chance to see and discuss the latest information on research projects. 


7:30-8:30 a.m. – Registration
8:30-9:15 a.m. – General session
9:30-noon – Field tours
Noon – Lunch 

In addition to the informational field tours and poster displays, a rice equipment vendor display is also being planned.

For more on Rice Field Day click here

More Industry News Stories

ARC and PLC for CA Rice

ARC and PLC for CA Rice

With rice prices predicted to remain challenging for the balance of this marketing year, many have asked about triggers for the Agricultural Risk Coverage program (ARC) and Price Loss Coverage program (PLC) for temperate japonica rice. Below is a brief outline of each program and relevant triggers.