Industry News

Coming Soon – Mandatory Thiobencarb Stewardship Training 

Coming Soon – Mandatory Thiobencarb Stewardship Training 

Required by DPR to complete for thiobencarb use

We anticipate the website for the online (only) mandatory thiobencarb stewardship training will be active within the next few weeks.  Please check the website and sign up for industry communications emails to be alerted when it becomes available. 

The Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) lists thiobencarb as a restricted material and requires users of thiobencarb to complete stewardship training.  The California Rice Commission provides this training in partnership with the local County Agricultural Commissioner’s offices.  The course is intended to educate the industry on proper safety, restrictions, label conditions and impacts of the product use.

The course will be approximately one hour long.  The certificate of completion will be available for download after finishing the course and is required by the County Agricultural Commissioner’s office to add thiobencarb to your use permit.  The course may be accessed via phone, tablet or desktop computer at the website.

We anticipate one hour of CE credit from DPR (0.5 Laws, 0.5 other).  You will need to select this option and enter additional information for the CE credit.  

For more information, contact the CRC’s Industry Affairs Manager, Craig Riddle, at or (916) 812-3468.

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