Farm Bill

Farm Bill in Focus

rice harvest

By Tyson Redpath, The Russell Group

This January, a new Republican majority arrives to the U.S. House of Representatives holding a four-vote majority which is identical to the current House Democratic majority. A flip to GOP control will have only modest policy impacts because the Senate majority will stay in Democratic hands. Meanwhile, the Biden Administration will continue to chart a course for rulemaking and Executive Order action for at least the next two years. 

Looming is a desire to restore fiscal discipline and a vote expected later next year on the borrowing limit of the U.S. Treasury, which Congress controls. This so-called ‘debt ceiling’ debate will occur at the same time Congress works to rewrite comprehensive food and agriculture policy in the Farm Bill. The current five-year, Farm Bill authority faces a September 30, 2023 expiration date. 

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) says continuing existing Farm Bill programs will cost almost $1.3 trillion over the next 10 years driven largely by a trillion-dollar nutrition title, which includes spending on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) that makes up nearly 84% of current Farm Bill spending.

California Rice begins this new Farm Bill debate with clear focus on maintaining crop insurance, improved conservation programs that accommodate flooded agriculture greenhouse gas emissions, and a reference price which accounts fully for rising production costs.

More Farm Bill Stories

rice harvest

Reminder: ARC/PLC 2020 Signup Deadline Approaching

By Tyson Redpath, The Russell Group 

In the midst of a pandemic, the USDA is continuing to remind producers that 2020 enrollment for the ARC and PLC farm bill safety net programs is open now. Growers must enroll for 2020 by June 30. Growers are also reminded that they must make their one-time update to PLC payment yields by September 30. 

Important Deadline coming for ARC and PLC Programs

Important Deadline coming for ARC and PLC Programs

By Tyson Redpath, The Russell Group 

The U.S. Department of Agriculture Farm Service Agency (FSA) reminds producers to enroll now in the Agriculture Risk (ARC) and Price Loss Coverage (PLC) programs. March 15 is the enrollment deadline for the 2019 crop year.  Until March 15, producers who have not yet enrolled in ARC or PLC for 2019 can enroll for both 2019 and 2020 during the same visit to an FSA county office unless yield updates are requested. Additionally, farm owners have a one-time opportunity to update PLC payment yields that take effect beginning with crop year 2020. If the owner accompanies the producer to the office, the yield update and enrollments may be completed during the same office visit.