Course is available through the website.
The link for the online mandatory thiobencarb stewardship training is now active and available through the Commission’s industry website here.
Water Quality Monitoring Programs Begin April 30th
The water quality monitoring under the Rice Pesticide Program (RPP) and Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program Waste Discharge Requirements (WDR) will begin on April 30th.
The website for the online mandatory thiobencarb stewardship training is now active and available through the CalRiceNews link here.
Complete the required annual testing for 2023
The California Rice Commission’s Waste Discharge Requirement (WDR) requires, beginning in 2022, each grower (or landowner) to conduct annual testing for nitrates in all drinking water supply wells present on parcels where rice is produced. The results are reported from the analytical laboratory to the State’s GeoTracker database.
Complete the required annual testing for 2023
The California Rice Commission’s Waste Discharge Requirement (WDR) requires, beginning in 2022, each grower (or landowner) to conduct annual testing for nitrates in all drinking water supply wells present on parcels where rice is produced. The results are reported from the analytical laboratory to the State’s GeoTracker database.
A specialized workshop for Delta rice growers aimed at demonstrating a new water recirculation tool is set for later this month. According to those behind the new project, the pumps help reduce water and energy use.
Pyrethroid and Water/Sediment Toxicity Results to Date
The California Rice Commission collects data on pyrethroids and toxicity in water and sediments at our four main agricultural drain sites in accordance with the Basin Plan Amendment Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL) requirements under the Clean Water Act. Pyrethroids (i.e., Warrior, Lambda-cy, Silencer) are used in rice production to manage insects.
Significant Thiobencarb Concentration Detections in Colusa Basin Drain
The Rice Pesticide Program (RPP) will enter the 8th week of thiobencarb (i.e., Bolero, Abolish, Willowood Thio) monitoring on June 27. The results of monitoring across the sampling sites have generally yielded positive results with only two samples exceeding the performance goal of 1.5 μg/L to date.
Surface Water Monitoring Programs Begin Next Week on May 9th
The Rice Pesticide Program (RPP) will begin next week on May 9th. The RPP monitors for thiobencarb for 10 consecutive weeks at 4 agricultural drain sites (2 east and 2 west of the Sacramento River), and one site in the Sacramento River near downtown Sacramento and upstream of the drinking water intake facilities.
The Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board has highlighted rice as a success story for its comprehensive evaluation of nitrate impacts on ground water. The link can be found here: